Monday 8 October 2007

Why a Blog about Sports Video Games

Hi there to all sports game lovers. My name is Ras and love simulation sports games. The more real it gets the more I enjoy! And I know there are many like me, ones who prefer topspin rather than Mario Tennis, or even Forza 2 over Need For Speed any day!

To be honest I would like to define what I mean, when I say simulation that can include a arcade style game such as Virtual Tennis which I appreciate but are lower down the pecking order. But when it is so far off like Mario Striker Charged, forget about it, fun for a week. You might think I’m picking on the Nintendo games but common their not exactly professional are they.

I demand Graphics, Game Play, Sound and Functionality! These are sections I feel all games need focus on and for sport games game play is most important. Are Nintendo using the Wii’s functionality to its best, well the only sports game I like playing on it is the bowling game on Wii Sport. But let’s cut this intro short and focus on future writings, which could be anything to do with sports related gaming.


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